Hi, I am Pastor Claval Hunter. For the past three years, I have had the privilege to serve as the pastor of the South Bend Berean Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church. For over 100 years, it is incredible that this church has served the members of our community as a faith-based, family-oriented, Christ-centered, close, warm, and friendly Christian church. The purpose of Berean is to empower our members to love and serve one another and our community through Worship, Outreach, Relationship, and Discipleship (WORD). Our vision is to be an inclusive, vibrant body of believers who are actively engaged in life-transforming ministry.
Berean Church

What is impressive about Berean is that the members and our volunteers are committed to providing help and hope to the community beyond the Wednesday and Saturday worship hour. We aim to offer many services that respond to our community’s most pressing needs. Hence, in 2020 we launched our Touch 10k Compassion Outreach Day.
Being the sermon
Every 2nd Saturday (Sabbath) of the month, we are not in a church building for a worship service, but we are out being the sermon and serving our community. After careful research, we have designed our ministry in such a way as to help vulnerable families and the education system and increase residents’ quality of life and sense of safety. In addition, this compassion outreach program aims to extend a helping hand to those in need, providing support and teaching skills that promote sustainability and long-term success by empowering participants to become the hero in their own lives.

How we are creating
Community Change.

Offering youth continuous learning beyond school hours to strengthen academic retention and understanding, a safe place for positive engagement to build social-emotional learning, self-worth, and establish healthy relationships with peers and adults;
Providing mentors, development workshops, and career exploration for youth and adults to access diverse options offering livable wages and
Ongoing direct services for basic needs and general care to first responders and people experiencing homelessness.
The Lord has blessed us as a church to partner with some incredible organizations to help us significantly impact the lives of those in our community. Special thanks to:
Andrews University faculty, staff, and students.
Mamma’s Against Violence
Indiana Food Bank
Local churches in the area (both regional and state)
South Bend City Officials (Mayor, Police Chiefs, Fire Officers, Sheriff)
Grant Foundations (Versacare, Center for Congregations, Stevens Foundation, Center for Community Change, etc.).
Lake Union, Lake Region Conference, and the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

Thank you!